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自1977年推出第一台金属激光切割机以来, Mitsubishi Electric has been at the forefront of incorporating advanced technology, 包括人工智能和增强现实. bt365体育娱乐供应和服务三菱光纤激光器, 二维CO2激光器, 多轴CO2激光器, 激光自动化, including the GX-F高级系列 of artificial intelligence-enabled fiber lasers and the ASTES4 High Speed ADVANCED laser automation system.


从小型制造车间到大规模的关灯作业, our laser automation experts will help determine the right combination of machines, 存储塔, 产品车, 闯入站.

Because Mitsubishi laser automation is modular and flexible, we can grow with you. 通过自动拣料,提高生产效率和利润, 排序, and loading/unloading solutions and options for material handling and inventory tracking.

Thanks to our wide range of options—including configurations that require 30% less floor space than typical laser automation setups—we have solutions for any application.



无论您使用什么激光或自动化应用程序, industry-leading fabrication software can unlock the full potential of your process.

Mitsubishi 激光 has you covered with DiamondFAB, a complete fabrication software solution. Our software is geared for automated hands-off management of the production process. bt365体育娱乐提供完整的ERP集成, 嵌套, 调度, 工作流程管理, 自动化控制, 部分排序, 还有更多.

With a customized software solution, you’ll maximize throughput while reducing costs.


二维有限公司2 激光

When it comes to balancing piercing power with working speeds to rapidly produce high volumes of quality laser cutting work, 二氧化碳激光器是最好的选择之一.

对于最苛刻的制造要求, 材料很厚,没有犯错的余地, bt365体育娱乐的CO2激光器可以给您的产品和您的业务带来巨大的优势.

三菱CO2激光器可以降低汽油成本, 提高效率, increase cycle times and elevate overall profit—thanks to superior design and the best resonators on the market.



Mitsubishi 3D laser cutting systems offer the ultimate in accuracy and flexibility across a wide range of complex CNC laser cutting applications.

通过增强的功能, 严格的精度, 无与伦比的质量, 操作直观, our 多轴CO2激光器 can add a whole new dimension to your machining capabilities.

These five- and six-axis systems have expanded teaching functions and Mitsubishi’s superior resonator technology. Mitsubishi multi-axis CO2 laser cutters significantly decrease the time and labor required to produce complex parts and provide the greatest degree of accuracy and cost efficiency.



When you need to reproduce or alter the dimensions of a piece that’s already been made, 最好从作品本身开始. 此外,还有一台高精度的2D或3D检测机.

Capable of very quickly measuring or reverse-engineering flat parts that have been manufactured on laser, 等离子体, 还有水射流切割系统, 以及冲孔和冲压件, bt365体育娱乐’s inspection systems are exactly what your floor needs to put the fine in micro-fine.
